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- Create Additional Network Interfaces Go to the EC2 Dashboard:
Navigate to the "Network Interfaces" section. Click on "Create network interface". Assign a subnet. Choose or allocate an Elastic IP for each additional network interface. 2. Attach Network Interfaces to the EC2 Instance Select the EC2 instance to which you want to attach the additional network interfaces. Click "Actions" -> "Networking" -> "Manage network interfaces". Attach the additional network interfaces that you created. 3. Configure Networking on the EC2 Instance Once the network interfaces are attached, SSH into your EC2 instance and configure the networking.
Use the ifconfig or ip addr show command to list available network interfaces. Configure the interfaces with the appropriate IP addresses. You can edit the network configuration files in /etc/netplan/ for Ubuntu 22.04. Ensure proper routing configuration if necessary. 4. Update Security Groups and Firewall Rules Ensure that your security groups and firewall rules allow traffic from/to the additional Elastic IP addresses.
Go to the EC2 Dashboard. Navigate to the "Security Groups" section. Update the inbound and outbound rules of your security group to allow traffic from/to the additional IP addresses.
Setting up multiple Elastic IPs on your EC2 instance requires multiple ENIs.
In other words, you need to configure another ENI and configure EIP A for that ENI.
The settings themselves can be done using the method introduced in this blog.
The number of IP addresses you can have on a single network interface is determined by the instance type https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-eni.html#AvailableIpPerENI
The sample aws ec2 describe-instance-types ....
command is pretty useful, even the smallest instance type (t2.nano and t3.nano) can have two IPv4 addresses on an ENI.
Associating multiple IP's on your EC2 instance requires Multiple ENI's Here i attached simple steps to setting up multiple IP's for a Ubuntu EC2 Servers through AWS Documentation https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/MultipleIP.html
This is the link for Adding a second private IP on EC2 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS instance https://easyscale.net/aws-ec2-ubuntu-18-04-secondary-ip-with-netplan/
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