Please support domain registration for .app, .blog, .contact, .download domains


Similar to other posters, we would like to centrally manage all of our domains with R53. The following are the domains we would like to be able to register in R53.

.app .blog .contact .download

Additionally you might want to point this documentation to the new forums:


asked 3 years ago407 views
1 Answer

Hello, thank you for reaching out.

I understand that you are requesting to support ".app, .blog, .contact, .download TLD registration on Route 53.

Route 53 Domains is currently directly accredited with .com, .net, and .org registries. All other TLDs are provided via third party registrar associates. To improve our level of service and support, we are actively working to become directly accredited with all other TLDs. In addition to improving our existing offering, we will become accredited with other registries to expand our TLD catalog. This work is currently in progress. We do not currently have dates to share for adding new TLDs.

You can monitor the updates here at AWS Blogs - and what's new on AWS -

answered 3 years ago

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