AWS App Runner Health Check Fails Despite Successful Local Testing


Title: "AWS App Runner Health Check Fails Despite Successful Local Testing" Description: I have encountered an issue with the AWS App Runner service. I have created a service in the AWS App Runner, and my code runs successfully locally on port 3000 using HTTP. However, when I deploy it to the App Runner service, the build fails during the health checkup section. I have also tried using TCP, but the error persists. I would appreciate any insights or solutions to resolve this issue. Thank you for your help.

technology used : i am using nuxt2 (SSR) node version is 16

error is: Health check failed on protocol HTTP[Path: '/'], [Port: '3000']. Check your configured port number. For more information, see the application logs. 01-23-2024 12:42:41 PM [AppRunner] Deployment with ID : .....54be failed. Failure reason : Health check failed.

enter image description here

i try with diffrent different port like 3000 default(8080) and also 80 but the issue same also change the protocal to HTTP to TCP but the issue is same.

i am expecting that health check is passed and my webiste is hosted.Enter image description here

1 Answer


If there are no problems when testing locally, there may be a problem with the container build environment.
Try building the container by specifying the platform as "linux/amd64" using the command below.

docker buildx build --platform=linux/amd64 -t <image-name> .
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answered 8 months ago

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