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upgrade Windows Server using AWS Systems Manager (SSM) 2016 to 2022


Hi All,

I am tried to upgrafde winodw server 2016 to 2022 using SSM, I have follow but documet

but it got failed on Execution detail - Step 8: serverUpgradeInstanceWithOriginalKeyPair please find the screenshot. Enter image description here

Thanks Vicky Kumar

  • Mine one is failing at step 5 (runUpgradeFrom2012R2Or2016). Can you help me out if something I missed out?

asked a year ago596 views
1 Answer

You might want to check the CloudTrail logs with filter as "RunInstances" which will give you the reason why the Instance Launch was failed.

For more reference please check : How do I use AWS CloudTrail to track API calls to my Amazon EC2 instances?

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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