Instance ID uniqueness


I would like to get some clarifications on the uniqueness of Instance IDs. From the docs ( it says: "we assign each resource a unique resource ID."

I just want to clarify the following:

  • If an instance is terminated, can that Instance ID be used again in the same AWS account?
  • Are Instance IDs unique across all regions in the same AWS account?
asked a year ago1216 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Instance IDs are uniquely generated globally, which means for every region and for every account, and are unable to be reused again. So to answer your questions specifically:

  1. No, that same ID cannot be used again.
  2. Yes, and even across all accounts.
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Great, thank you for clarifying

  • Just curious. How does the service(Not just for Instances and not just EC2) manage to create a globally unique IDs every single time?

    Lets say there's a small service somewhere doing this job of generating IDs that are unique. Does this service have to look at all the previously used IDs before returning a new one? If Yes, how does it do this so fast? OR Does it simply apply some transformations to a set of known values such as [AccountID, Region, CreationTimestamp, etc.] and hope for the output to be globally unique? OR Is there some other magic happening. (PS: I have no experience with development)

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