How to upgrade Amazon WorkSpaces Bundles with Windows 10? (currently in version 1607)


The WorkSpaces Bundles from AWS for Windows 10 are on version 1607.

This version is no longer supported by recent software (such as Adobe InDesign, which now requires version 1809 or above).

We are using the licences provided with the bundles (not BYOL). How can we upgrade the Workspaces to a more recent version of windows 10?

asked 3 years ago1.4K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You can choose if your Windows 10 desktop experience is powered by Windows Server 2016 (version 1607) or Windows Server 2019 (version 1809).

You can migrate WorkSpaces from the Windows Server 2016-powered WorkSpaces bundle to the Windows Server 2019-powered WorkSpaces bundle while retaining the data on the user volume. See the supported scenario here.

Note: The Windows Server 2016-powered Public Windows 10 plus bundle includes Microsoft Office 2016 and Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Services. The Windows Server 2019-powered Public Windows 10 plus bundle includes Microsoft Office 2019 only, and does not include Trend Micro Services.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 8 months ago
  • thank for your answer - "migration" then

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