Unable to upload file to bucket due to network error



We are unable to upload a ~30 MB mp4 video file to a bucket. The upload fails at 0% again and again with network error. What is the resolution? We appreciate the cooperation of forum members.

asked 3 years ago5969 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


Greetings of the day,

The network error which you are facing usually occurs due to the web browser issue. Hence I would kindly recommend you to try the following to resolve the issue.

  1. Try uploading to s3 bucket through AWS s3 console again after clearing your browser's cache.
  2. Also try using incognito mode to access s3 console.
  3. Use different network/machine. Please check if you are behind any firewalls or proxy server's.
  4. Try uploading to s3 bucket from different browser, to see if the issue is persistent across browsers.
  5. Make sure that you have no browser extension installed like adblocker, uBlock or check with your IT team to find out why it is being blocked.

Thank you!!

answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

Its probably related to the firewall onsite.

answered a year ago

i have the same problem but some files are uploaded and others fail just for a network error

answered a year ago

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