On-premise Vivado 2017.4 crash on windows 10


While running a build, I got the error "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION". I checked the log pointed to by the message and it was empty. I closed Vivado and restarted in a fresh directory. But this time, Vivado crashed, just disappeared without any warning or message. After this, I tried multiple settings, and even recompiling some old projects which have been compiled successfully many times before,but Vivado just keeps crashing. The Vivado is starting to execute the synth_design task when this happens.In last compilation, the last message in Vivado log before it crashed was:

Launching runs with argument(s) impl_1 -jobs 20
INFO: [IP_Flow 19-4838] Using cached IP synthesis design for IP cl_clk_wiz_0_0, cache-ID = e74bb25c0f1c1add.

I am using Vivado 2017.4op on Windows 10. Has anyone else seen this crash? Are there any known workarounds or fixes for this.

asked 6 years ago269 views
2 Answers

Hi fpgamagic, could you let us know what specific Windows build you are using? You can find out by going to Start and typing 'winver'. The 2017.4 release supported Windows 10 up to the Creators update, which is 1703. Later versions may experience issues like this.

You also may be able to try the steps listed here: https://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/69908.html

answered 6 years ago

We decided to move away from Windows environment to Linux.

answered 6 years ago

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