Export the created AMI image to an AWS S3 bucket is not permited, but it is free software


When I execute command:
aws ec2 export-image --image-id ami-04f516c --disk-image-format vmdk --s3-export-location S3Bucket=ami-export I had a returned error: An error occurred (InvalidParameter) when calling the ExportImage operation: Insufficient permissions - please verify bucket ownership and write permissions on the bucket. Bucket: ami-export I couldn't change the permissions. Can someone help me?

3 Answers

Hello. The error is not tied to your image, but to the destination bucket. You need to check the S3Bucket:

  1. Is a bucket that exists and that you have access to read and write. Remember that bucket names are global, so perhaps "ami-export" does exists, but is owned by other account.
  2. When you know you can manage permissions for the bucket, check as suggested in documentation here.

My suggestion is to create a new bucket for this process so you can configure permissions, encription and version control as you need.

Hope this helps.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

I named bucket I created ami-export3, but I dont cant change permissions.

answered 2 years ago

To assign permisions to the user that is executing the export you can follow this walkthrough. This explain process from bucket creation.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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