Incorrect billing


Hello AWS Team,

I have been billed for Amazon Lightsail & Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud.

In Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud, I am using 3 instances. Out of which 1 is stopped. All these instances have instance type which come under Free Tier eligible. Then why I am being charged?

In Amazon LightSail, the instance plan I have selected is of first 3 months free. Then why I am being charged for this as well?

Regards, Shruthi

asked 8 months ago185 views
2 Answers



For the EC2 instances, even though the instance types are eligible for the Free Tier, there are a few things that could result in charges beyond the Free Tier usage limits:

  • Make sure all instances, including the stopped one, were only run for less than the monthly Free Tier hours limit (750 hours per month). Stopped instances still accumulate hours.
  • Check for any additional resource usage like EBS storage or data transfer that may have exceeded the Free Tier.

For Lightsail, double check that:

  • The instance plan you selected is still within the initial free period.
  • Your usage of added resources like storage disks or data transfer is within the Free Tier limits for those services.
  • The AWS Free Tier can cover a good amount of initial usage, but it's easy to accidentally exceed limits. I'd recommend reviewing your specific usage details in the billing console to pinpoint what may have gone over the Free Tier

For reference -



answered 8 months ago
  • I don't think this is completely correct:

    • Make sure all instances, including the stopped one, were only run for less than the monthly Free Tier hours limit (750 hours per month). Stopped instances still accumulate hours.

    When you stop an instance, we shut it down but don't charge hourly usage for a stopped instance, or data transfer fees, but we do charge for the storage for any Amazon EBS volumes.


Have you actually received an invoice and a payment has been taken from your payment method (usually a credit card), or is it just coming up in the running total for this month? It's normal to see what appears to be a non-zero charge mid-month, which will become a zero-charge when free tier entitlements are applied and an invoice is generated at the end of the month.

Also be aware that only t2.micro (and t3.micro where applicable) EC2 instances are in-scope of free tier, and only for a combined total of 750 hours per month. Stopped instances do not count towards this, but any EBS volumes attached to a stopped EC2 will remain chargeable.

EBS has a limit of 30GB per month in free tier.

Useful advice can be found in these links:

If you still feel you have been erroneously billed, you can log a billing support call at

  • Type: Account and billing
  • Service: Billing
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answered 8 months ago

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