Players dont stop joining after game has started (Battle Royale Game, UE5)


Main thing: my own game is about to get finished but theres some bug with matchmaking! my goal is to have more than two matches in one single server just like in any battle royale. also i have a bug where new players keep joining the ongoing game when it already started (and they shouldnt, just like in any br game). When using AWS Matchmaking. AWS will try to fill the amount of players the match is set for. Always. So, we tell AWS to stop back filling players once game has started. Here it’s not listening to our request.

Yes, autobackfill its disabled. its manual. Player Sessions get updated everytime a Player Logs in the Game.

Its a auto mated process & is called by the server. UpdatePlayerSessionCreationPolicy() << This is C++ function, we have BP which does the same. And, the issue has nothing to do with PlyerSession Update.

Any suggestions? Has this ever happened to anyone?

I’ll pay if this gets fixed

asked 2 years ago320 views
1 Answer

To answer your question, we require details that are non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS using the following link.

answered 2 years ago

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