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RDS is not available to the world by default. It's also generally a bad idea to allow access to the RDS from anywhere except from inside your VPC. I recommend you do the following:
Create a security group that allows access to the RDS over port 3306 from your EC2 instance
Visit https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home#s=SecurityGroups and create a new security group. Switch to the inbound tab and choose MYSQL from the dropdown. Erase the in the source field then click the input field. It will present you with a list of existing security groups. Choose the one that your EC2 instance belongs to. Click the apply rule changes button Assign the security group to your RDS
Visit https://console.aws.amazon.com/rds/home#dbinstances: and select your RDS instance and under the Instance Actions menu select Modify Change the RDS security group to the one you just created Make sure to select the Apply immediately option at the bottom of this page Click Continue and apply the new changes. (the change can sometimes take a couple of minutes) SSH into your EC2 instance then run the mysql command in your question
Excellent thank you. But if i don't want to manage the database let it do by AWS means I want to rely with RDS service. Please let me know how to do database related operations like creation, modification, insertion in tables.
Typically you will be doing database adminstration commands like database table creation, indexes creation, tables modification etc. using some tools that will vary depending on the database flavor (MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL Server, Oracle etc.). You should be able to use whatever tool you are currently using. Just need to install that tool on a machine that can talk to your RDS instance.
For inserting data, updating data or running queries on the database, typically customers use applications that connect to the database using drivers like JDBC, ODBC etc. You can continue doing what you do now
Refer to these - https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/rds-common-dba-tasks/ https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/common-administrator-responsibilities-on-amazon-rds-and-aurora-for-postgresql-databases/ https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/CHAP_Tutorials.html - in particular look at the section Tutorials and sample code in GitHub
In response to your comment - "But if i don't want to manage the database let it do by AWS means I want to rely with RDS service"
It is important to note what AWS will take care of when you use the RDS service. The activities that AWS will take care of on your behalf are as mentioned in the "What does Amazon RDS manage on my behalf?" section of the RDS FAQs - https://aws.amazon.com/rds/faqs/
You will still be responsible for creating tables, indexes, stored procedures and other such database objects as well as responsible for inserts/updates/queries of data on the database tables.
If your RDS database is public, then you should be able to connect to it using whatever database tool you use to connect to your on-prem databases, such as pgAdmin for postgres or mySQL workbench for mySQL etc.
From a security point of view, it is not recommended to keep your RDS databases public. You should create your RDS database inside a private subnet inside a VPC that you create. The security group of the RDS database should only allow inbound access on the port that your database server listens on, only from another public subnet in the VPC.
You can then create an EC2 machine in the public subnet of your VPC that will act as a bastion host. You can install the database tools on this EC2 machine.
You can use putty to ssh into the bastion host as shown here - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/putty.html
Once you have been able to ssh into the bastion host, you can use the database tool like pgAdmin to connect to the RDS database. For more details, refer to this AWS Support article - https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/rds-connect-ec2-bastion-host/
Excellent thank you. But if i don't want to manage the database let it do by AWS means I want to rely with RDS service. Please let me know how to do database related operations like creation, modification, insertion in tables.
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That's really helpful Thank you