ERROR when transferring calls through Quick Connections, in Amazon Connect.


Enter image description here I've been trying to figure out how my AWS Connect agents can transfer calls to each other via the quick connect feature in connect. Everything starts fine but after a few seconds the agent interface hangs and goes blank leaving the agent without the ability to control his CCP and leaving the customer on hold until he decides to hang up himself.

We tried to see if it turned out to be an error in the transfer flow we have, but found nothing out of the ordinary.

Other methods have been tried but none with good results.

asked 2 years ago600 views
2 Answers

Can you capture a screenshot of your CCP (to see which one you are using), and is this for all your agents? Network/firewall could be an issue, so check your proxy, local firewall in your OS, any DNS redirector, etc.

If you can post more detail about your desktop here that will be great like browser type, CPU/memory, audio options (USB headset, wired/wireless, DECT or bluetooth(which I have seen problems).

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • We have tested with the Transfer to agent (beta) block, and directly with the "Set working queue" and "Transfer to queue" blocks, and saw no results. Directly it does not show any record in CloudWatch. The chat and task transfers work correctly, the only detail we are suffering is in the call transfers, in which, it does not even play the text "Transferring..." to the agent, instead, we hear a short beep, the internal transfer is canceled and the call is put on hold.


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answered 2 years ago

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