EKS can't scale Managed Node Group from 0


I have a use case where i'd like a nodegroup to be zero and to scale up automatically when we deploy a workload. The kubectl deployment scales correctly if the desiredcount is 1 or above but its stuck on a loop when the initial count 0. I see this issue https://github.com/aws/containers-roadmap/issues/724 still open. Is this still a shortcoming? Are there any potential workarounds for this?

asked 2 years ago4139 views
2 Answers

With EKS support for Kubernetes 1.24, the Cluster Autoscaler has been extended to also support scale to zero for managed nodegroups. You can see more details in the announcement blog.

answered 2 years ago
  • I have a cluster on version 1.22 currently. Can I benefit from this option or should I upgrade to version 1.24? Thanks in advance


Hello there,

EKS Supports scaling managed node group to zero. More details in below article,

Also, you can create a Fargate profile for a new namespace (like scaling-namespace) and run Cluster-Autoscaler (CA) pod on scaling-namespace so that CA can scale your application pod based on their scheduled status "Pending".

answered 2 years ago

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