Why is safari telling me that it cannot find server for my backend website?


I normally input new data into my app through a backend website that I have used for years and safari is saying that it cannot find server. All of My AWS accounts are paid.

1 Answer

Hi there

From the note, I understand that safari cannot find server for your backend websites.

This can occur if you didn't create a record for the domain or subdomain name, or you created a record but specified the wrong value, or the resource that you're routing traffic to is unavailable. Make sure your network is stable and connected to VPN[1 ].

If you are using MAC, this is a 3rd party application and I do not have expertise on it. The provided document is what I could find. You can look at it to find other solutions for ways to Fix Safari Can’t Find Server on Mac [2].

I hope the above information is helpful.


  1. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/Route53/latest/DeveloperGuide/troubleshooting-server-not-found.html
  2. https://www.guidingtech.com/fix-safari-cant-find-server-on-mac/
answered 2 years ago

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