kernel panic on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS with kernel 5.13.0-1028-aws when using docker


On a freshly installed t3.micro instance with Ubuntu 20.04 and kernel 5.13.0-1028-aws, when I use docker (20.10.12-0ubuntu2~20.04.1), the kernel panics and the instance reboots. Downgrading to the previous kernel (5.13.0-1025-aws) solves the issue. Does anyone know where problems like this should be reported?

  • Just experienced this myself with the same kernel but with newer docker 20.10.17, build 100c701. There are several updates concerning some CVE to the kernel between 1025 and 1028 (e.g., I suspected somethings broken along the way

  • t2.medium and t2.xlarge with Ubuntu20.04 with docker a problem for us too. Simply ran sudo apt upgrade and boom, it broke. Reboots and a few seconds after boot then kernel panic. Fresh instance with new 20.04LTS and apt upgrade breaks that too. Oops!

  • How can we downgrade to the previous kernel ?

asked 2 years ago2544 views
1 Answer
answered 2 years ago

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