Account not working


Hi Team,

Earlier i have created AWrS account with my gmail: I forget that i have deleted that account or not. But for skillbuilder i have created credentials. Recentely i have joined aws india summit and i have given my emailid as and Name: Kaushalkumar Mukeshbhai Patel to get promotional credit.

Now when i try to enter my email in AWS account , it showing they dont have my email in their database. So when i am creating account from that email, it telling that already this email is used. Now what should i do? How to open or use my account with same email?

Help me as email

asked 24 days ago111 views
1 Answer


If you close your AWS account, you will not be able to create a new AWS account using the same email address.

You can't use the same email address that was registered to your AWS account at the time of its closure as the primary email of another AWS account. If you want to use the same email address for a different AWS account, we recommend updating it before closure. See Update the AWS account name, email address, or password for the root user for instructions on updating your email address.

If your AWS account is not closed, you should be able to sign in as the root user using the email address associated with your AWS account.

If you remember your AWS account ID, please contact AWS from the URL below and they may be able to help you.

profile picture
answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 23 days ago

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