Best practices for sending IoT device command over MQTT?


I'm finding it oddly difficult to find a straightforward example, of how best to handle controlling an IoT device over MQTT. Best I've found so far in official AWS docs, is but that one goes off and basically says (use Device Shadow).

I'd prefer to do it myself directly over MQTT. .. If I can find code to point the way for me?

FYI, I'm using Python.

I did also find

It mentions (you probably want to use a transaction ID), but then doesnt show how that would be handled in the code :(

Edit: I dont just need to "send" the command. I need to have the status of the command properly handled, in a robust manner.

asked a year ago398 views
1 Answer

Hi - Thanks for reaching out. I would say start with this whitepaper to follow a design pattern

Then you can look into Tutorial: Connecting a device to AWS IoT Core by using the AWS IoT Device SDK. It uses MQTT as an example with Python.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I dont need help merely "connecting to AWS MQTT". Or just "publishing a message". There's enough examples of that. As I said in my post, I need code specific to handling command and control of an IoT device, using pure MQTT. That means:

    • sending multiple commands over time to topic cmd/devicename/some-command-topic

    • receiving updates back as to the success or failure of each command running on the device.

    The AWS docs recommend using a transaction id. but I cant find a single example of working code that does this. I dont see anything specific to that in the references you gave.

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