After a Windows reboot I need to login in to make it start again


I have a virtual Windows instance on Lightsail which hosts my .exe apps as servers for my network games. When there's a Microsoft Patch Tuesday my Lightsail Windows instance gets rebooted. But, the .exe files don't start to run until I manually log in using RDP, and then they automatically run as that's how I've set them up.

Why do I need to manually log in each time? Is there a way to make it so I don't need to log in, and the Windows instance just starts up after being rebooted?

asked 25 days ago136 views
2 Answers

I assume you put the app in the startup group, which means someone needs to login for it to start.

An option is to configure your Windows to auto login after restart. You can use SysInternals autologon utility to configure Windows’ built-in autologon mechanism. Instructions and download at Autologin site

answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago


To automatically start your .exe apps after a Windows reboot without needing to log in manually, follow these steps:

This will ensure Windows logs in automatically after a reboot, starting your .exe apps if they're configured to run at startup or via a scheduled task.

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answered 25 days ago

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