Bedrock Prompt Flow Session State/Memory


I have been playing around with the new Bedrock prompt flow builder and have noticed it does not maintain a state in between invocations. A simple example would be a chatbot consisting of 3 nodes:

Flow input

Prompt "With instructions stating you are a helpful appliance chatbot. Help people troubleshoot appliance issues"

Flow output

Example test:

User: Can you help me with my furnace and why it will not turn on?

Assistant: Sure, can you tell me the make and model of your furnace?

User: Sure, Rheeme R962V1005A21M4S

Assistant: Okay, let's take a look at the Rheem R962V1005A21M4SC appliance and see how I can assist you. What is the problem?

It has no memory of the previous statement to continue the chat.

Is this intended with prompt flows or am I doing something incorrectly?

I have done extensive work with Bedrock agents & knowledgebases and I like how the state is maintained and referenced as the invocations continue. The one critique I have about Bedrock agents is the lack of flexibility with the flows and associated foundation models for each step in the orchestration.
I was hoping prompt flows were the answer.

Any help would be appreciated, -Will

asked 2 months ago227 views
2 Answers


Did you implement the right connections in your flow to obtain some form of cross-query memory ?


Connection – There are two types of connections used in Prompt flows:

A data connection is drawn between the output of one node (the source node) and the input 
of another node (the target node) and sends data from an upstream node to a downstream 
node. In the Amazon Bedrock console, data connections are solid gray lines.

A conditional connection is drawn between a condition in a condition node and a downstream 
node and sends data from the node that precedes the condition node to a downstream node 
if the condition is fulfilled. In the Amazon Bedrock console, conditional connections are dotted 
purple lines.



profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

Below is a simple example of the flow. Ask a vague question, and the prompt responds with a question to gain clarity. You answer the question and the prompt has no context for the answer given.

Is this normal? Enter image description here

answered 2 months ago

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