Issues with Lambda Function URLs


I am trying to pass a huge user input from my angular frontend to my lambda using function urls. I am getting 502 bad gateway everytime I try to send the request. I tried get and post. But the same issue. Is there any word/character limit on the function urls or urls in general and what alternative can I use to get a huge input. I am able to send upto 1220 words right now but anything above that causes this issue. Can I edit any config for function urls (I can't see any options) Thankyou

asked 10 months ago463 views
1 Answer

What kind of error logs do you see in Lambda?

Lambda Function has an upper limit on the call payload size (the same for Lambda function URLs). However, there may be other causes, such as time out. Therefore, I would like to know the Lambda error log as well.

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answered 10 months ago

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