Propagate Tags onto Cloudwatch Alarms from Application Insights?


Hello, I just have a question if there is a way to propagate tags onto Cloudwatch Insights Alarms? I don't seem to find anything related to this information and I have a Solution in place right now which Filters all of my alarms based on their name and tags to create appropriate Tickets.

So I would just like to know if there is way to know if I can define Tags because I am afraid that when my EKS Pods get destroyed an brought back up that the Tags of the Alarms disappear.

Does anyone have more knowledge on this Topic?

1 Answer

H Andre,

CloudWatch Application Insights currently tag the alarms with tag key: "ApplicationInsightsManaged" and tag value "True" and they will exist when the app deleted and recreated. does this help in your use-case?

answered 3 months ago
  • Hey Mohamed, I noticed that, but my question here is just to know if I have added more tags to that alarm if it will stay when Cloudwatch Application Insight "recreates" the alarm, like for example:

    You have an EKS EC2 Instance being monitored by Application Insight and during the weekend it unexpectedly crashed and got replaced by a new one, it creates a new Application Insight right? so do I have to retag that new alarm? Because I am relying on those tags to create tickets in my ITSM system.

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