What is the best solution for Lamba concurrent invocation causing ACM rate exceeded error


In AWS account I have so many lambda which will be invoked concurrently by different AWS resources such as SQS, ALB etc. All these lambda are related different use cases and most of the lambda read certificate using acm.getCertificate() (Javascript SDK) function. I often get rate limit exceeded when there are many lambda invoked same time. Is it due to the ACM get API limit 10 per account? If yes, what is the best solution to read certificate inside lambda?

2 Answers


the usual way to reduce recurring API calls fetching same value is to use Lambda caching: initial call will be re-used multiple times across Lambda invocations and should suppress the "ACM rate exceeded" rate error

See this post to understand how to implement it efficiently: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/caching-data-and-configuration-settings-with-aws-lambda-extensions/



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

You can try and increase the ACM API limit.

Another option is to read the certificate only once per each function, outside the handler. This way future invocations of the same function, will reuse the certificate.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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