AWS Certification Result after the exam



Today I have attended AWS Developer Associate Certification exam, after completing the exam and Feedback form. The screen didn't say Pass or Not. Before I read the details its closed.

I am not sure if I saw the results or the results are not published in the screen

Is this expected behavior? I can see in the Profile its showing Delivered successful.. but thats the status of the exam..

Last time when I attended i saw the results immediately, is there any process change?

Please Clarify.

asked 2 years ago8514 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

You will get an email is a 1-5 days with the results. I just took my DB exam and it came in about 24 hours. This is something new, it used to give the score after the survey. Look for "Congratulations" in the email. :)

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 6 months ago

You should get your grade after around 5 days via email

answered 2 years ago

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