Adding second account in aws organizations shows limit exceeded error


Im not able to add an account in aws organizations. I only have my root account there. In service quota, it shows i can create upto 10 accounts. Kindly help. EDIT: I also added a payment preference just now (below screenshot). Also, on top of the page in blue I need to be concerned about that notification about regulatory change? AWS Organization screenshot Payment Preferences Tab

  • Did you set up payment method?

  • Yes, I just added one (Net Banking). I think i'll have to wait for a day again right?

  • I am still getting the same error. also this time any new IAM user with any permission policy is not able to access resources.

asked 2 years ago375 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Basically it could be:

  • your payment method is not set up or expired or not yet validated
  • you did a lot of invites before adding the second account (see quota)
  • your primary email / organization email is not yet validated
  • just wait one day :-)

Here is the stackoverflow answer I got the options from:

profile picture
answered 2 years ago

The default maximum number of accounts allowed in an organization is 10 . If you need more, you can request an increase by using the Service Quotas console.

For details, please refers to the documentation at:

answered 2 years ago

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