cloudwatch or cloudtrail for lambda passrole attack


We have one aws user has passrole, lambda invoke and create inline policy, we suspect this user use lambda script to passrole and attach awsadminaccess policy to his account, how can we identify this? through cloudwatch or cloudtrail? if through cloudtrail, how would we know the lamda script he invoke is malicious and how to track role change for this IAM account giving date range? thanks

2 Answers

For sensitive questions, I'd reach out to AWS Support for help as well.

For AWS Management API calls including IAM Changes such as:

In Cloudtrail, you can filter by dates and search by Events as well. For checking the Lambda, you can check Invocation of the Lambda (Lambda being run as well).

There are some AWS Services that offer checks like that such as AWS Config:, but you may want to evaluate the cost of those services as well.

For information about to do with suspected compromise, read here:

answered 3 years ago

Hi, I checked the cloudtrail, I define the time range, then i search event name: attachrolepolicy.

i want to further restricted by user or other criteria, how to do? it only allow me to search one criterial for example Event name

answered 3 years ago

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