AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store - charges for decryption


I use aws-sdk gem for my rails project to retrieve data from Parameter Store.

Aws documentation says that There is no charge from Parameter Store to create a SecureString parameter, but charges for use of AWS KMS encryption do apply - which I understand

To retrieve any parameters(string or secure string) I use the following code
      region: region
      name: parameter_id,
      with_decryption: true

As you can see I pass with_decryption: true to get the parameter, regardless it is a secure string or not.

My doubt is does it charge me if I use with_decryption: true while retrieving string parameter?

Should I omit with_decryption: true when I retrieve a string parameter so that the AWS system manager does not use unnecessary decryption?

Or does the AWS system manager just skip with_decryption: true if the parameter is not a secure string?

asked 3 years ago612 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

As always in AWS you are paying for API calls, not parameters. So here you will only pay for usage of KMS service.

Here you can find that for String and StringList this parameter is simply ignored.

So you can have it for all calls and the cost will not be affected :)

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answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago

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