EventBridge API destination not working


Hi, I'm trying to follow the video tutorial in https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-api-destinations.html, also using the webhook.site as a consumer. Sample messages are sent with success, the sample rule is matched, but the API destination is not called at all. When sending the same payload using Postman, the endpoint shows request/response. Cloudwatch does not list failed invocations. Did anyone try to follow the video recently and can confirm this is actually working? Thanks!

asked 2 years ago1.5K views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Should anyone stumble across this as well: Apparently, the setup with webhook.site as the API destination is not applicable in arbitrary regions. I tried using "eu-central-1", which failed. Doing the same in "us-east-2" worked immediately. When setting up a local echo service and publish it using ngrok, it worked for "eu-central-1" as well.

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

Works find. Make sure that your rule is set up correctly. Verify it by a CloudWatch Logs target to the same rule. If the event matches the rule, you will see it in CloudWatch Logs.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

I have the same issue, I'm using a Salesforce endpoint in APIDestination instead of Webhook Site.

APIDestination and Connection are right, when I perform the request with Postman it works well.

About the Rule, if I set the target to Cloudwatch it works well, but when I set the rule to APIDestination I see in Rule Monitoring it fails. The role that I assigned in the Rule Target for the APIDestination is AWSServiceRoleForAmazonEventBridgeApiDestinations.

Does anybody know where I can find info about why is failing the rule with I use the APIDestination as a target?

answered 2 years ago

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