If I have all my APP deployed in AWS I can say automatically that I'm fulfilling the GDPR and the security ISOS? If not how can I get them?



I have my whole app deployed in AWS and I'm using a lot of different services, for starters Im using cognito with oauth2 to generate the tokens and store the user sensible data. does this mean I'm already complaint with GDPR and some other security ISOS related with user data? I'm using also AWS RDS as database service and I have everything deployed in fargate and I'm using a gateway that filters authentication and authorization and also the tokens everytime my frontend sends a request.

I would like to know if this makes my software already complaint with some security basic ISOS and GDPR. And if not how can I start the process to be certified or really check that I'm complaint with GDPR?

We need this to be able to tell it to our first users.

Thank you guys!

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


No, just hosting your app on AWS, where many services are GDPR-compliant doesn't make it automatically GDPR-compliant.

There are multiple preparatory steps to be completed before entering the certification process itself. This WP is a good starting point to understand all what you have to accomplish for your application to become compliant: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/pdfs/whitepapers/latest/navigating-gdpr-compliance/navigating-gdpr-compliance.pdf



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reviewed a month ago
  • I see, thanks!

  • You're welcome. Thanks for accepting my answer!

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