Route 53 record for different region


Hi team, we use same aws account in different region for lambda functions and then we're going to onboarding to cloudauth. We need to create different route 53 records for vpcs but they're sharing same name globally. Do we have any solution to it?

asked 2 years ago1128 views
2 Answers

Take a look at Route 53 Private Hosted Zone.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago


So the best way to do this is have a regional DNS entry for each region you are using.
Then apply a global DNS entry that routes to the correct region and applies routing policies to direct traffic. This way you can test each region and manage traffic to each region.

This blog on multi-region HA might help.
Specifically take a look at the section "Failing over user traffic". This shows how you can have regional and global DNS.

Hope this helps.

profile picture
answered 2 years ago

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