Image Builder start-image-pipeline-execution Wait till Completion


I am using aws cli command for ImageBuilder start-image-pipeline-execution from my Shell script inside my GitHub Action. However, I am unable to make this wait till completion. Because of this, GitHub action reports success, even if the Image Pipeline fails. Is there a way to make this command wait till completion?

Command is from the link.

  • As mentioned above, I am trying that using shell script in my GitHub action. But somehow, I can't get the real time cloud watch log for the image builder pipeline execution in my shell script inside of the GitHub action. Can you please help me with that?

asked a year ago777 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


No, but you can implement it in the different way. The output of your command give you the arn of the image it building. You need to put it into variable and then implement some while loop where you will call aws imagebuilder get-image --image-build-version-arn $YOUR_IMAGE_BUILD_ARN, parse output and check the image.state.status value. You might need jq to parse output but I do not see any problems with implementing it.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • Thanks a lot for the prompt response. Makes sense. Will try this.

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