Does AWS IoT Greengrass support managing Windows core devices with AWS Systems Manager


I would like to know whether AWS really supports Systems Manager on Greengrass Windows core devices. As per Greengrass Developer Guide, Version 2 it doesn't support. "AWS IoT Greengrass doesn't currently support this feature on Windows core devices."

But AWS Systems Manager documentation says Windows Server is supported platform.

Does it mean that it supports Windows Server OS for other type of instances - EC2, On Premises etc.,?

1 Answer


As you correctly point out, the AWS IoT Greengrass Systems Manager Agent component only supports Linux operating systems today. Once the agent is installed in this manner, it directly communicates with the System Manager endpoints separately from Greengrass.

While the AWS provided component only supports Linux, you can create your own component that would replicate the installation and configuration of the System Manager Agent on Windows. One way to do this would be to determine the PowerShell commands to download, install, then create a configuration file for the agent to register with Systems Manager.

I will add your interest in Windows support for this component.

answered a year ago

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