Workdoc Drive for Mac - after Ventura Update


After updating to Ventura, Workdocs Drive now gives error. Unsupported macOS Version -The installed version of macFUSE is too old for the operating system. Please upgrade your macFUSE installation to one that is compatible with the currently running version of macOS.

Any suggestions on how to resolve/fix this issue?


  • I'm currently facing the same issue also. Have tried uninstalling & resintalling Workdocs Drive and installing the latest macFuse separately but Workdoc Drive is still facing the same "Unsupported macOs Version" error. Have only started getting this error after updating to Ventura.

  • I am facing exactly the same issue forllowing the upgrade to MacOS Ventura 13.0. How this be resolved?

  • as of today I installed the latest version and have it working on Ventura MBP

asked 2 years ago496 views
2 Answers

@Alexander - thank you. Update worked for my silicon Mac but not my Intel as of yet. I will try again later .

answered 2 years ago
  • You can try updating to Ventura 13.0.1. It's currently working for me on my 2020 intel mbp.


Thank you, Alexander. I unistalled and then reinstalled Amazon Workdocs Drive and Companion and it now works smoothly with MacOS Ventura

answered 2 years ago

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