Is AWS Managed AD as PaaS or SaaS service


Is AWS Managed AD as PaaS or SaaS service

asked 2 years ago558 views
2 Answers

Also known as AWS Managed Microsoft AD, AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory is powered by an actual Microsoft Windows Server Active Directory (AD), managed by AWS in the AWS Cloud.

It enables you to migrate a broad range of Active Directory–aware applications to the AWS Cloud. AWS Managed Microsoft AD works with Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft SQL Server Always On Availability Groups, and many .NET applications.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

May I know the reason of your question behind? In short, AWS seldom name specific services as IaaS; PaaS; SaaS. The common practice on PaaS vs SaaS is usually SaaS will be focus on end-user application. While PaaS is focus on the deployment and management of your applications. AWS Managed AD service is used under Windwos 2019 server for domain controller service. AWS will help on patches upgrade on AD environment. Thus, I will say it is "PaaS" for AWS Managed AD service. You can refer to the following for the details.

answered 2 years ago

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