VPC charges on free tier


Hi everyone I recently created an account last month in the free tier. yet now in this month I am incurring charges on VPC all the time and it shows that I have used a staggering 300+ hours of VPC yet when I check the billing management console that I am within the bounds of the free tier for VPC. I also checked if I have any instances running and I don't have any. Any idea why else this would be happening?Enter image description hereEnter image description here Enter image description here

asked 24 days ago168 views
1 Answer


Judging by the image of the bill, I think the public IPv4 address remains in your AWS account.
Therefore, please follow the steps on the AWS blog below to check if there are any public IPv4s left.
I think you need to check if there are any remaining Elastic IPs.

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answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 23 days ago

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