Modify Reserved Instance


I current have a few RI (1 yr upfront) the reservation expires in September. I'd like change the instance type of next higher one (within the same instance family and generation). What happens after I modify the instance WRT pricing? I paid $1159 for 1 yr upfront for each instance.

asked 20 days ago163 views
2 Answers

Hello You can only modify instances under the following conditions :

The later point may be an issue in your case as you want to increase all of your RIs. You need to compute the total footprint of your current RIs, see how much capacity misses to cope with your new instance size. Then purchase that missing capacity. And then request RI modification.

Please note that those instances sizes cannot be modified : t1.micro,G4ad, G4dn , G5, G5g , Inf1 , Inf2 Hope this helps Best regards Serge

answered 20 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 19 days ago


When your needs change, you can modify your Standard or Convertible Reserved Instances and continue to benefit from the billing benefit. You can modify attributes such as the Availability Zone, instance size (within the same instance family and generation), and scope of your Reserved Instance.

Your Question: You paid $1159 upfront for a year for your current RIs. So Modifying to a higher instance type will likely cost more per hour than your current RIs. AWS will calculate the total cost difference for the remaining term (until September) between your current RIs and the new ones. You might need to pay an additional amount for the remaining term to cover the higher cost of the new instance type. There's a chance you might receive a partial credit for your existing upfront payment, but it depends on the specific pricing of your RIs and the new configuration. - You can ask the same information to AWS Support they *may *offer some credit, AWS Billing questions are Free you can open support ticket without any AWS support Plan

You can modify your reservations as frequently as you like, but you cannot change or cancel a pending modification request after you submit it. After the modification has completed successfully, you can submit another modification request to roll back any changes you made, if needed.

My Suggestion is Purchasing new RIs for the higher instance type.

Thank You

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answered 20 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 19 days ago

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