Lex Chatbot CLI Access error


Hello, I am running a script for sending requests to my Lex bot but it gave me error regarding the bot name and the bot alias, so I used "aws lex-models get-bots --max-results 10" to see the bots names I have in my account and it gave me zero results even that I'm sure that I have the bot and it's working in the AWS interface, I checked the region and the credentials and the user permissions and all of it is correct, what should I do to access and send my bot a request from CLI ?

1 Answer

Check the AWS CLI version: Make sure you have the latest version of AWS CLI. If you have an older version, it might not support certain AWS services or features. You can check your CLI version with the command aws --version and update it if necessary.

Double-check the region: AWS Lex is not available in all regions. Make sure that your CLI is configured for the same region where your Lex bot is deployed.

Double-check the IAM permissions: Make sure that the IAM user whose credentials you are using has the necessary permissions to access Lex. The lex:GetBots action should be allowed in the IAM policy.

Check the bot's status: The bot must be in the READY or READY_BASIC_TESTING status to be returned by the get-bots operation.

Check the visibility of the bot: The bot needs to be marked as 'public' to be accessed outside of the AWS account where it was created.

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answered a year ago

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