Lightsail: file changes are slow be reflected


Hi, if I deploy new changes to the instance (eg via Git) or I make direct changes to files on the instance, it can take up to 30-60 seconds before the changes are actually reflected.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Login to your instance
  2. Make a change to a file (eg add a new line of text)
  3. Visit that page in your browser - you'll see that the new line of text doesn't show up until 30-60 seconds of repeatedly refreshing

Why is this and how to avoid it? Thanks

Hugo B
asked 10 months ago200 views
1 Answer


Is caching enabled on your web server?
With Apache, if you use something like "", it will be cached.

Also, if you are using php, please check the settings in "php.ini".
If the setting value of "opcache.revalidate_freq" in "php.ini" is a large number, it will take time to update.

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answered 10 months ago

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