creating a subscription (for all notification types)


Ladies and gentlemen we have created a Simple Queue Service according to the documentation. Using SP-API we have one destination ID generated When creating a subscription (for all notification types) we receive an unauthorized message back.

Do these features require additional permissions/policies to be assigned to the IAM. If yes, which.

asked 2 years ago381 views
2 Answers

I'm not clear what it is you're trying to accomplish - can you provide more details?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

It depends on what the SQS has been set up to accomplish. For example, as illustrated in the SQS permissions guide, "When you subscribe the Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue to the provided Amazon SNS topic, permissions are automatically added to allow the topic to publish messages to the queue. However, you still need an IAM policy for granting the AWS Marketplace Metering and Entitlement Service API user access to the queue."

answered 2 years ago

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