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Reusing C# Lambda functions


I have a few lambdas written in C#. There are some functions which can be reused among these lambdas. How can I achieve that?

3 Answers
Accepted Answer

You can use the lambda code just as any other C# code, you can share base classes and references to common functionality, either by directly referencing the projects or by using NuGet packages. If all of your lambda functions are in the same repository extract the common code to classes/functions in a base project and reference that code from your Lambda functions or publish a NuGet package with the common code to be used by your Lmabda functions.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
profile picture
reviewed 6 months ago

Have a look at Lambda Layers - I think it's what you're looking for.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

It does not list C# in the list of languages.

answered 3 years ago

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