In daily cur data, is the public ip rate data unit hourly?


Hello, we are doing AWS MSP business.

We are settling fees for Linked sub-accounts based on the cur information of the organization account.

I was recently informed by email that fees will be charged for using public IPs starting in February 2024 and that information will be added to cur.

When I checked the example data for public IP rates entered into CUR, I saw that a row for IP usage rates was added in hourly increments.

By simple calculation, if one EC2 instance is using one public IP for an entire month, 720 rows (24 (hours) * 30 (days)) cur data will be added.

We are concerned that cur data may suddenly increase due to this.

Currently, the cur data in the organization account we use to settle fees is set on a daily basis.

I am curious whether cur data for public IP usage fees will also be entered on a daily basis if cur is set on a daily basis.

asked a year ago296 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hello! Even though we won't begin charging for all public IPv4 addresses until next February, we started providing usage data in the CUR shortly after the announcement. If you haven't already noticed an increase in storage related to public IP usage then I wouldn't expect that to change once the new pricing model takes effect. I don't have easy access to a CUR with daily granularity, but I don't see why AWS would treat this usage differently than anything else. The identity_time_interval field should help you confirm this. If you are set up to query your CUR with Athena [1] you could run the following query for a quick confirmation:

select * from customer_all where line_item_usage_type like '%-PublicIPv4:IdleAddress' limit 10;

Hope this helps.


Mike S
answered a year ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Oh, I already received it as part of the cur!

    After referring to the query you posted, I found that the description of public IP usage in daily cur data is expressed as $0.005 per In-use public IPv4 address per hour, but the lineItem/usageAmount value is set to 24.

    In the end, in daily cur data, if a specific instance uses a public IP all day, only 1 row will be added.

    thank you have a good day :)


did you check what you have on the "pricing_unit" column? This usually answer the question.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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