Route 53 Name server not propagating ..for long days


Hello there, I had registered a domain name in aws long months back ago. I have created a static website it went well with out problems.

When I tried to add a sub domain and it got failed and then I have leave it the action process.

By doing this activities I have changed my assigned DNS server many times..

Where as currently I have created new A record and DNS not propagating for long days may be weeks.

Kindly do the needful..please clear the cache or troubleshoot my issue. This site can’t be reachedCheck if there is a typo in DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

Kindly do the needful.

asked 2 years ago303 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It looks like your domain name couldn't be properly resolved into IP addresses. One of the common reasons is that the Name Server is not correct.

Currently the domain is assigned with the following NS:

$ whois
   Domain Name: DATAFLEXI.COM

   Name Server: NS-133.AWSDNS-16.COM
   Name Server: NS-1505.AWSDNS-60.ORG
   Name Server: NS-1638.AWSDNS-12.CO.UK
   Name Server: NS-555.AWSDNS-05.NET

Please follow the step 3 in this doc and check if name servers are properly replaced (if you have recently moved to a new hosted zone.)

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks a lot .I could see the DNS propagating started and working now.

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