Difference between Standard RI and EC2 SP


Hi guys,

Regarding the comparison of differences between Standard RI and EC2 SP, I have some examples as follows that I would like to clarify (prices are based on the Singapore Region): 1/ If I purchase EC2 SP for m6i Linux with an SP rate of $0.34276. Then I create an EC2 m6i.xlarge Windows with an On-demand price of $0.424, how will I be charged? 2/ If I purchase EC2 Standard RI for m6i.xlarge Windows and then I create m6i.large, will this instance be charged at the RI price? Or will it be charged according to On-demand pricing?

I hope to hear from your support soon.

Thanks Steven

asked 8 months ago481 views
1 Answer


EC2 Instance Savings Plans, which provide savings up to 72% (just like Standard RIs), automatically save you money on any instance usage within a given EC2 instance family in a chosen region (e.g., M5 in N. Virginia) regardless of size, OS, or tenancy.

1/ If I purchase EC2 SP for m6i Linux with an SP rate of $0.34276. Then I create an EC2 m6i.xlarge Windows with an On-demand price of $0.424, how will I be charged?

You will pay $0.34276 ultimately, even if not using m6i instances. If you have m6i.xlarge it will deduct usage hours covered by the Saving Plan.

2/ If I purchase EC2 Standard RI for m6i.xlarge Windows and then I create m6i.large, will this instance be charged at the RI price? Or will it be charged according to On-demand pricing?

Yes, it will be covered by RI discount as instance family is the same. You can find more info here: https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/faqs/#Reserved_Instances

Q: What are AZ and instance size flexibility? AZ and instance size flexibility make it easier for you to take advantage of your regional RI’s discounted rate. AZ flexibility applies your RI’s discounted rate to usage in any AZ in a Region, while instance size flexibility applies your RI’s discounted rate to usage of any size within an instance family. Let’s say you own an m5.2xlarge Linux/Unix regional RI with default tenancy in US East (N. Virginia). Then this RI’s discounted rate can automatically apply to two m5.xlarge instances in us-east-1a or four m5.large instances in us-east-1b.

Update: Let me try try to explain based on this https://aws.amazon.com/savingsplans/compute-pricing/ calculations. If I buy m6i.2xlarge it will cost me $0.35742/h If I will use m6i.32xlarge my total price will calculate as: $7.62 - $0.48 + $0.35742 = $7.49742/h Enter image description here

As for me, there are no differences between EC2 SP and EC2 RI.

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
  • Hi, Thanks for your answer.

    In the first example, according to your answer, I know that in EC2 SP, I will commit to pay a specific amount of money to get discount. For example, I commit to pay $1/hour for m6i instance family with Linux OS in Singapore Region, then I create an EC2 instance for example m6i.32xlarge with the On-demand price is $7/hour. So I will be charged totally $6/hour for using this instance because it will be deducted by the commit price for EC2 SP that I purchased before. Is it right?

    In the second example, I see the EC2 SP and the Standard RI are the same so what are the key difference that make me use EC2 SP instead of Standard RI?

  • Hi Steven, I updated my answer. It's hard to format it in the comments. Let me know if it is more clear now.

  • Hi Dmytro, Thanks for your response. I still have some questions. I hope you could help me clarify.

    Firstly, could you please explain why you have the calculation $7.62 - $0.48 + $0.35742 = $7.49742/h. I mean why we have $7.62 and why we have - $0.48 in this calculation.

    Secondly, as you mentioned there are no differences between EC2 SP and EC2 RI so why AWS recommend to purchase SP instead of RI?

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