AWS RUM is not showing HTTP requests other than scripts


I have added AWS RUM to an Angular app by using TS snippet. In the config I'm using this telemetry config telemetries: [ "performance", "errors", [ 'http', { recordAllRequests: true } ] ],

I can see in my app dev tools network tab that request are being sent with http_events type: "" with details containing http method type call etc..

The problem is in AWS console in RUM module Requests tab I see only requests for scripts, css files. Is there any extra config needed to see GET/POST requests in aws console?

asked 3 years ago1.3K views
2 Answers

Hello, and thanks for reaching out!

When configuring the telemetries parameters in the config and specifying non-default options, you'll want to be sure to specify each telemetry as its own array, as seen in the examples here.

Try specifying the telemetries as the following and let me know if you see any changes in behavior:

telemetries: ["performance","errors",["http",{recordAllRequests: true}]],
answered 3 years ago
  • I am experiencing the same thing with a React APP. Not seeing any of the on the console for API calls being made. I have

            telemetries: [
                [ 'http', { recordAllRequests: true, addXRayTraceIdHeader: true } ]

I have forked the RUM client. Quick fix for our specific use case, but it tracks ALL API calls (including after initial page load and ignoring max events configuration) as performance metrics.

You will have to force the OTHER type in all recorded types rather than sampled

        telemetries: [
            [ "performance", {recordAllTypes: ['document', 'script', 'other']} ],

answered 3 years ago

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