How to associate a range of Public IPv4 addresses with a IPv4 Prefix Delegation


I am working towards having a C6 metal with 1000+ public IP addresses using a leased \20 subnet (BYOIP), I believe I should be able to associate many \24 prefixes and then somehow associate those private IPs with the public IPs. I am trying to figure out if there is an Elastic IP equivalent for prefix ranges or if I am going about this incorrectly.

asked a year ago438 views
1 Answer


Did you check out this page ?

It explains how to manage delegation properly to increase pod density and also give recommendation on when to use it or not.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • I did read it now, however, I am still unsure how to associate my public IPs with my prefix. For context, I am not using it with Pods or Kubernetes but running a custom process, the goal is to try to get as many Public IPs on this single host as possible.

  • I think I need to set up the Prefixes from a VPC that utilizes my IPAM from my BYOIP IPv4 subnet.

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