data not being uploaded to s3 from zeppelin notebook.


I have a Zeppelin notebook for analysis and I want to insert the data analyzed into s3 bucket, but previously I was able to insert data and I was able to view all the data but now I am not. these are the connectors for the table

   'path' = 's3://firehose-test-kin/data/',
   'format' = 'csv',
   'sink.partition-commit.delay' = '1 min'

this is the insert command


insert into s3_join

JOIN test1
ON test1.seq_num = test.seq_num

public access is disabled on the ss3 bucket but it made no difference when it was turned on

  • Have you verified the S3 bucket policies? Do you use AWS Access keys for Zeppelin to access the S3 Bucket?

1 Answer

IAM Policy: Please ensure that the IAM role or user associated with Zeppelin has the necessary S3 permissions. This includes the s3:PutObject, s3:PutObjectAcl, and s3:PutObjectVersionAcl permissions for the S3 bucket. If you are using AWS access keys, ensure they are correctly configured in Zeppelin.

Bucket Policy: The bucket policy should allow the IAM role or user to perform s3:PutObject actions. If the bucket policy denies this action, the IAM policy won't be able to override this.

S3 Block Public Access settings: If all public access is blocked, including public access granted by ACLs, you might need to add specific IAM permissions for the entities that need to access the bucket.

Network Connectivity: Please ensure that the Zeppelin server has network access to S3. If the server is in a VPC, ensure that the necessary VPC endpoints are created.

S3 Path: Check if the S3 path mentioned in the 'path' attribute is correct. Please ensure that the path includes the correct bucket name and the key prefix (if any).

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answered a year ago

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