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Serving multiple domains with ALB


Hi All, ALB needs support 70 unique domains i.e. 70 certs. There is quota limit of 25 certs/alb. . Yes, we can increase the quota limit( not sure about the hard limit yet) . Is there a recommended pattern?

2 Answers
Accepted Answer

There is a hard limit on number of certificate. If you expect the number of unique domain\cert to grow, you can consider using 1) multiple ALBs 2) Use CloudFront Distribution per domain in front of ALB 3) Use NLB instead with TCP listener and let the backend application handle the SSL encryption.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

You could use SANs on the certificate on the ALB so that you can support multiple hosts per certificate than multiple certificates.

With ACM by default it’s 10 alternative domain names per certificate but you can request a quota increase up to 100.

This may satisfy your requirement.

profile picture
answered a year ago

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