How to add custom route via EC2?


I need to route certain traffic via site-to-site VPN. This trivial thing doesn't work for me in AWS, while works fine in my test on-prem environment. For instance:

  • I need to route traffic to via
  • I tried both adding this route to, and adding it into the VPC routing table - no results. I.e. I. don't see packets to coming to (I checked both using network sniffer on and using AWS Flow logs).

Any ideas? TIA, Vitaly

asked 3 years ago1553 views
2 Answers

You should do this by routing to an AWS object that has the IP... i.e. the eni-XXXX that has the IP assigned to it.

AWS route tables need to point objects like ENIs, TGWs, PCXs and not IP addresses.

answered 3 years ago
  • Thank you - I used ENI into VPC routing table. In fact, I found the issue - it was the default "Source/dest. check" == True in the ENI of my VPN box.


I found the issue - it was the default "Source/dest. check" == True in the ENI of my VPN box.

answered 3 years ago

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