When we use the Transfer to Phone number contact block in the Amazon Connect contact flow, we hear a ringing tone while transferring a call to a specific number, and we don't want to play that ringing

  1. When we use the Transfer to Phone number contact block in the Amazon Connect contact flow, we hear a ringing tone while transferring a call to a specific number, and we don't want to play that ringing tone to our customers.
  2. Any ways to transfer call to specific number in silently without ringing tone
  3. Inside Transfer to Phone number contact block we are using amazon chime voice connector.
asked 7 months ago604 views
1 Answer

"When we use the Transfer to Phone number contact block in the Amazon Connect contact flow, we hear a ringing tone while transferring a call to a specific number," Question - where is this "specific number"? Is it another Connect number or queue in your same instance? If so, you should be able to do a transfer to queue or transfer to flow instead.

Otherwise, if the specific number is not in your Connect instance, I believe the default behavior of transferring calls across the PSTN will include a ringback tone played to the caller. But see also dmacias' answer about sip normalization rules in your other question you asked.

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answered 6 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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