AWS Billing Extension


Hey everyone, Currently am a student pursuing my B.E degree. Recently I faced the issue of AWS billing and currently am not able to pay the bills. In July I will apply for the AWS community builder and if I got selected then of course I will get enough credit to pay the bill. Is there any way that I can request the help centre to extend my due date and restart my AWS console account again? I always like to build something on AWS by using and exploring services. If possible please provide the details of the help centre or any help. Please do needful. Thanks!

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asked a year ago405 views
2 Answers

You should contact AWS support center. Explain them exactly what happened. I am sure you have created your AWS account and it has passed 12 months free tier period. You may be lucky, if it happens first time, they can remove the charges from your account and you should close that account. Whenever you do use AWS services out of free tier period, you will have charges appearing on your account. You can also set budget alert so it will notify you. Hope it helps.

answered a year ago
Accepted Answer

You will need to check with AWS Support on "Account and billing".
I don't think AWS usually extended payments, but it is worth checking.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks for the answer. It helps!

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